Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dictionary (じしょ)

A note about online dictionaries: I’ve noticed the www.minnatonihongo2011.blogspot.com site has a online dictionary (I haven’t checked it out yet), but also there’s another one I’ve encountered: Jim Breen’s WWWJDIC (the url is http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi?1C).  I’ve only used it a handful of times, but it seems quite useful and I have friends who have been studying Japanese for a long time and really like it.

And a bonus for those of us who know Chinese is that you can look words up by kanji!  So I tried putting in 文化 and it told me the pronunciation is ぶんか and it means exactly what I thought it should (culture, civilization).


  1. ありがとう!その日本語のじしょうはlooks very good!

  2. Agreed, this seems very useful!

    As for the video/song you sent me, it was indeed...unusual. I'm practically having an identity crisis just thinking about how often the characters all transformed into others. But, an interesting song, nonetheless; thanks for recommending this to me!

  3. ありがとうございます!I've been looking up some Buddhist terminology in there in Japanese and so far they seem quite accurate (which is rare for online dictionaries).
